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Trade Mark License

Oct 21,2023
Trade Mark License
  • Period:
  • Jul 21,2023 - Jul 20,2033
  • Certification bodies:

We got this trademark license from China National Intellectural Property Administration. It shows that NAAKUU brand has been registered by us and become our own property. We can use it for all the business or trading activities.

The liscense no. is 69012589.

The title is: Trade Mark License

The brand is: NAAKUU

The license also showed the Item classification of products and service including (International Classification 9):

transformer, distribution box, power station automatization equipment, Electric contactor, height voltage switch plank, transducer, low-voltage power supply, circuit breaker, power switch, metering device, etc.

The trademark registrant is: Wenzhou Naakuu Power Technology Co., LTD.

The registrant address is: Yueqing Economic Development Zone, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

The license showed the date of registration is July 21th, 2023 and the expiry date is July 20th, 2033.


And also includes the signature of the director China National Intellectural Property and the official seal China National Intellectural Property.




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